
Town of Sharon

Zoning Board of Appeals


February 9, 2005



Attending Regular Members: Dan Rosenfeld, John Lee, Richard Powell, Lee Wernick


The hearing was called to order at 8:05 p.m.



#1518              Bennett, Michael and Jodi                            198 Morse Street

Applicants seeks two findings and a special permit relative to proposed structure expansion on a nonconforming lot.  Property is located at 198 Morse Street and is situated in the Rural 2 Zone within the Surface Water Protection District.


Hearing opened at 8:06 p.m.


Sitting on case: Dan, Richard, Lee


Conservation Commission letter dated 01/10/05 read. – No objection


Applicant provided the Board with a new plot plan that showed where the septic system was located.


The Board reviewed building plans and square footage calculation documents.


Peter Bickoff, 186 Morse St., stated that he is in favor of the project.


Hearing closed by Applicant at 8:09 p.m.


Vote in Favor

Dan – Yes

Richard – Yes

Lee – Yes


Board indicated with the decision in favor it should be noted that there is an encroachment of the sideline with the buffer zone and that the Sharon Conservation commission had no issues with that encroachment.


Hearing closed at 8:14 p.m.



#1519              Staney, Bill                                                     17 Belcher Street

Applicant seeks two findings and a special permit relative to proposed garage expansion to a structure on a nonconforming lot as defined in Sharon Zoning Bylaw sec. 2430.  Property is located at 17 Belcher Street and is situated in the Single Residence A Zoning District


Hearing opened at 8:15 p.m.


Sitting on case: Dan, Lee, Richard


Board of Health letter dated 01/10/05 read. – No objection.  Board of Health recommended to the Board to add a condition that the number of bedrooms allowed remain at three.


Applicant stated that the front encroachment set back and side set back reduced by 4ft. to meet the zoning requirements.  The set back is 20.2 ft.


Mr. and Mrs. Sherman, 19 Belcher St. reviewed the new building plans.  Mrs. Sherman inquired if any trees are going to be removed.  Because they had planted fruit trees and one tree in memory of her mother.  The Sherman’s asked that they be notified if any trees are going to be cut down that they would have a chance to move the trees


Mr. Slaney stated that only one tree is going to be cut down and it is not any of the trees in question.


Hearing closed by Applicant at 8:30 p.m.


Vote in Favor

Richard – Yes

Dan – Yes

Lee – Yes


Conditions:       1) No tree will be removed within the 10 ft side line.

2) Set backs will be no closure than 20 ft to the side lines.

3) The drive way will be no closure to the side lines than 20 ft.

    Pursuant to the plans submitted this evening.


Hearing closed at 8:34 p.m.


New Case

#1520              Salzberg, Stuart and Susan                            28 Dunbar Street

Applicants seek two findings and a special permit relative to proposed habitable space expansion to a home on a nonconforming lot.  Property is located at 28 Dunbar St. and is situated in the Single Residence B Zoning District. 


Hearing opened at 8:36 p.m.


Sitting on case: John, Dan, Richard


Notice read

Board of Health letter dated 2/9/05 read.  Stating the current septic system in place is in failure.


Conservation Commission letter dated 2/7/05 read.  Stating he hopes the Board will heed any recommendations that the Board of Health Agent may provide.  If he is satisfied that there exists and adequate septic system to accommodate the numbers of bedrooms and or a new system can be designed to do so, than he would have no overriding objection to this particular proposal.


Applicant stated that a variance was already granted to property relative set back issues.

Variance is for a 10 ft set back.


John expressed concerns how close applicant is to the other properties.  Applicant indicate that the septic system fuser box need to be replaced.


Applicant described the addition as a Great room, Music room, porch and in the basement there will be a new bathroom.  Board expressed concerns with the plans for the new bathroom.  Applicant stated that there are no changes to the second floor..


Dan noted that there is a problem with the fact that the septic system is in failure and the porch plans present problems.  The Board indicated that the room noted as office could be considered a bedroom.


Lisa Shuman, an abutter to Applicant’s property expressed no objection to the plans.


Case continued to 04/13/05


New Case

#1522              Smith, Charles                                                            11 Chase Drive

Applicant seeks two findings and a special permit relative to proposed expansion to a structure on a nonconforming lot.  Property is located at 11 Chase Dr. and is situated in the Rural 2 Zone within the Surface Water Protection District.


Notice read


Board of Health letter dated 2/8/05 read.  Stating the no objection and septic system is in compliance.


Conservation Commission letter dated 02/07/2005 read.  Stating no objection


Applicant described plans as an addition of a two car garage with a foyer and master bedroom above the garage.  Plans call for no additional bedrooms.  Septic size will be increased. 


Resident of 13 Chase Drive was present and she indicated no objections to Applicants Plans.


Applicant noted that there is a common drive with the neighbor at 13 Chase Drive. 


Board reviewed applicant’s plans.  Questions were raised on whether alternative designs could be made to achieve same result without same amount of encroachment. 


Board indicated that Applicant should return with revised plans to do the best Applicant can with regards to the 30 foot set back.


Case continue until 03/09/2005


Hearing closed at 9:22 p.m.


Next Zoning Board meeting is scheduled on February 23 at 8:00 p.m. in Town Hall.